On Tuesday at school we had sport. In sport we played some Soccer for most of the time and then we did a little bit of High Jump, but we ran out of time to get a proper competition going. After school I rode to Kathi's house and played some Basketball with Josh. I left at about 1900 and rode back to Georg's house when it was only about 0 degrees.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were all pretty relaxed. On Wednesday we had afternoon school and the weather was bad so we couldn't do much after that.
On Saturday we went to Rosenheim in the afternoon to see my exchange partner from last year, Benni. We stayed in Rosenheim till about 2130-2200 then Georg's father, Hans, came and took us back home to Großkaro.
Sunday I went with Kathi's family and Josh to the Bavaria Filmstadt. It's a Bavarian Film studio and they make Movies. Some of the movies which were made there are, das Boot, Sams im Glück, Wikie and more. Once we got there we had a tour around the studios and went into some of the Museums which had some of the things they used in the movies. We then went into a big studio where they had many interactive games and videos. We spent a good 2-3 hours in there after making a Star Trek like movie with a group of people. We then left and as we were leaving it started to Snow! I was then taken home and said goodbye.
Logo of the Film City |
This week I wasn't very busy and it was a relaxed one, but next week will be more interesting....I'm sure.
Until next week, Matt
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