Herrenchiemsee |
On Wednesday this week there was no school. So Josh, Georg, Lisi and I went to Chiemsee. First we caught the ferry to the island Herrenchiemsee, where the palace that was built by King Ludwig II in 1878 is. The Palace was never finished due to the King running out of money and him being found dead with his Doctor in the Lake. No one knows what really happened that night when they were out for a stroll and no one will ever know. I think that's what made me like the Palace more, all the mystery behind it. After touring the Palace and then heading into the Museum we caught the ferry to Frauenchiemsee. It's the second largest island in Chiemsee. On the island there is a Monastry which is about 600 years old. Each year they hold a Kristkindlmarkt which attracts lots of tourists to the island. It was getting late so we had some Kaffee and Kuchen and then caught the Ferry back to the mainland. On the drive home it started to snow a little bit, but it didn't stay. That night Georg and I had Plattlerprob, Bavarian dance, from 1900 until about 2000. It was the third time we've had it and I'm catching onto it quite well, and Georg is also. It's heaps of fun and we always have a good time.
On Friday Georg and I went for a swim in a river when it was about 3 degrees outside and the river was even colder. Although we nearly froze it was really funny and we felt awesome after it. Saturday we cooked with Georg's mum and made Christmas biscuits, 'Weihnachtsplaetzchen' but there aren't many left becuase we ate so many already!
Sunday we went to Therme Bad Aibling becuase the weather was wet and cold. We stayed there for about three hours and then left to go to the cinemas to see 'Catching Fire' in the Hunger Games series. It was a good film, even though I couldn't understand all of it. After the film we all left and headed home for another day at school the next day.
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