Servus. I've been in Germany, in Bavaria and the time here on exchange has been some of the most eye opening and life changing weeks of my life.
This week on Thursday I went to Rosenheim with Kathi, Georg and Josh after school. Josh was meeting up with his exchange partner for next year.We walked around and got to know Josh's exchange partner and then went home becuase it was getting late.
Friday Josh and I worked with two English classes which were making brochures about the differences between life in Australia, and life in Germany. We helped for four periods and then in the last lesson of the day we went with the exchange students for next year.
After school we went to Rosenheim again to go to the Christkindlmarkt. The Christkindlmarkt is a street market held every year to celebrate the four weeks of Advent. There are many stalls selling Christmas related ornaments, food and drink. Many people drink Glühwein when they go. It's normally cold so it warms you up a bit. The market closed at 20:00 so we went home to get ready to go skiing the next day.
Skiing at Sudelfeld. Wikipedia pic. |
Saturday we went Skiing in Sudelfeld. The snow was so good and there was heaps of powder to Ski in. For lunch we went to a 'Wirt' and then went out Skiing again. The weather was good although a little bit windy, but all in all it was a really good day.
Sunday we went to another Christkindlmarkt in Großkarolinenfeld. It was smaller than in Rosenheim but still had many stalls there.
I arrived here almost ten weeks ago feeling excited, although a little bit nervous as well. But after the first day I didn't feel nervous at all, whatsoever. I settled in with my new family really well because they made me feel extremely welcome. Being on exchange when you're younger you get to see the country and the life in a completely different perspective. Nothing like a tourist would see it, you get to see way more. I've made friends here that will stay with me forever and I can't wait until I come back next time to see them all again. Applying for this exchange has been one of the best things I've done. Now I can speak German without worrying about mistakes, because if you want to learn you have to make mistakes.I also feel heaps more confident in speaking the language. It has been such a great experience and one I will never forget, ever.
Chriskindlmarkt in Rosenheim |
Servus, Hias
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